Player Detection BUG

I have a bug when detecting players in the detection range. if I set the range to 20, the player is already in the range after play and can be detected generally at that point. However, if I narrow the range and the player is not in the range after start play, the player will not be detected even if I control the player to walk in. But even if I leave the range ,the log still show I’ m in range. I’ve cross-referenced the code and so far have not located the problem.and there are no error messages

I solved it because I forgot that using tag find obj would not traverse the entire subset, and I had tagged both the parent and child of a player as “Player”.But I still not clear why I get the Debug message “In range” if I include the player in the range at the beginning.

Because the IsInChaseRange() is true, signaling that the player is within range. It would be stranger if you didn’t get InRange if you put the player within the distance.

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