Playback speed. 1.00x= Too fast. & .75x= too slow.. Ne1 Else?

Playback speeds are dramatically different with the two back to back options. I find it better to just slow down the speed to a 85% or a 90%, then to slow it down to make the instructor sound like a robot.

I wonder if the new site will have this feature…? :bulb::bulb::bulb::bulb:

Anybody else notice the same?

Hi @C_Webb,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

This is the first time I read about this problem. I’ve just tested the concerning video in Chrome, and Rick’s talks at normal speed when I set the speed to 1.0x. Or did you mean something else?

By the way, if you feel that the steps are too big, you could look for a plugin for your browser: ‘video playback speed’, or something like that. I don’t know, though, if it works with our course videos but you could give it a try.

At the moment, I don’t know if our new platform will have a built-in feature, and I doubt that our programmers will implement new features 2 days before the release but if you test the new platform and feel that it needs more speed options, please message our team via e-mail, and request the additional options.

I hope this helped. :slight_smile:

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