Pixelated sprites

I am having the issue where some of the sprites (for example the projectiles in the image above) are shown pixelated in the Game view but not in the Scene view.

Anyone knows why and how can it be fixed?



Look for the slider in the top horizontal menu bar in your game window. The scale must be set to <= 1.

Did this help?

It is already set to 1.25x (that is the lowest) and that is what is confusing me. I am currently following the 2D unity tutorial and Rick’s game pixels look fine but mine don’t. Not sure what the problem is or how I can specifically ask for Rick’s help personally since he might know why.

Which version of Unity do you use? Did you set a resolution or an aspect ratio in your game window?

Try to set another resolution. It does not matter which one. Then set it back to 9:16.

When I choose a default aspect ratio the game looks fine but when I use the 9:16 it stays pixelated. I tried doing as you told me to but no luck.

How big is your screen? And which version of Unity do you use?

It is 1920x1080 recommended on my Display settings and I am using Unity 2018.3.14f1

Try to update Unity to the latest stable version of 2018 or 2019, but not to an alpha or beta version. There is always a chance that you are experiencing a bug.

Why would the version make a difference though? Sorry if it’s a stupid question.

Because all versions of Unity have bugs. Higher versions have some of the bugs fixed (and introduce new ones). That’s typical for all programs, not just Unity.

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