Periscope Challenge

Here’s my periscope. I placed the bottom-most edge at 0,0,0.

Here it is! I had a great time spawning cubes, flipping wedges, and the like!

And here is my periscope.

Just learned this is called periscope lol :slight_smile:

This is my periscope.

I honestly had to watch untill the end of the video to see how he has done it.

This is my periscope how it was done.

I removed some faces of my periscope and created a sort of chymney

I had some issues with this, mostly allignment

Had a hard time making this line up with the other after rotating the wedge on the X axis. Since the bottom point of the wedge was at 0,0,0, and my wedge origin location became 0.67000

I made the x position for the top wedge 1.333333 in the hopes that it would align.
Then I joined all the objects. It doesnt SEEM like it created any missalignment, but im not sure. Thoughts?
is 1,33333 a valid coordinate to align in this situation?

Edit; are you KIDDING, can only post one image. gotta merge them then. guh.

here’s mine! :slight_smile:

Here is my periscope. I placed the origin on the center of bottom edge at (0,0,0).

Here’s my periscope too:

Periscope miothee

I almost forgot to set my origin when centering.

Did beautifully! Having a lovely time with your method.

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