
Just a side note. I was using 2022.2.0b4.2768… You can’t remove things like JetBrains, Test Framework, etc without first removing the Engineering Features package. (I ultimately chose not to as I use Visual Studio 2022 with this and one great thing about is using full debug mode which would also be removed). Come to think of it, it seems like you just can’t get rid of ANY IDE without removing all of them via Engineering. I have not tried removing Engineering and then adding back the components separately. It isn’t a huge deal ultimately. But some people may be confused what is going on at that step.

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Good to know. Generally, I don’t worry too much about the VSCode and Community packages (I’m a JetBrains Rider user – just trust me, once you’ve tried it you won’t go back). They are ignored in builds, and only the currently selected editor in External Editors is actually accessed for project generation.

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