Original character(s) 3D Models

Just a couple of updates from things I’ve been working on.

After making that frog wizard I followed a popular youtube tutorial to make a Rabbit character. Here’s my version below.

I made him into an alchemist rabbit, the original was just a simple animal crossing-esque character.

Some other things I’ve been trying to do.

WIP of Bunny Model:

I want to change the design further from the original concept, but I have not been creative enough to figure out how to change him yet. I thought I might like to put him in a shop trying to sell something, but I haven’t been able to figure out how I want that to look. Below I had started a block out and camera positioning.

Original concept by artist K Hearn. Please see the original post I found at the link below, and if anyone finds an Active page for this artist please let me know, I could not find one active.
Character Model Sheets | Freelancer

WIP of Bird model so far:

Original concept art (AI GENERATED by someone on DeviantART)

I plan on changing the colors and other details almost entirely, but this reference has been behind my model as I work to try and help me get the shape right. I actually do like how its shape looks overall. This was specifically a challenge to try making fluff or feathers stylized and on the characters head/chest.

Creativity and motivation have been particularly difficult lately. Going to try some slow lifestyle changes until I can get back on track of putting out projects I am happier with.

Few weeks ago, my partner got particularly annoyed as I showed them another random motion graphic made with geometry nodes and they noted I should be trying to work on more important and stand out projects for things people actually want to see. It really crushed what little motivation I was able to keep together, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to recover it and just get back to work. It’s so difficult as I already was struggling with what to make, but I felt confident at least that I could make something that I thought was fun to see. I mention this mostly to remind everyone that you’ve no idea how what you say may come off to another person. Remember to be supportive to those you care about.


They look great have you a plan to use all these in some scent together?


Blender is just a (very technical) tool. But very versatile for creative people and processes.
Doing things differently, just because you can, feeds this creativity. As an artist, you should strive for that, without paying too much attention to what others say. I think it’s good to experiment, try things out, mix concepts, see what comes out. And at some point you see a direction that you feel comfortable with. And you can excel in that.
That doesn’t mean you will be successful in that. Not everyone will appreciate your work, but others will and see it as a source of inspiration.
Receiving criticism is not fun, but it is a learning experience. Because people look at it in a completely different way, with a different vision and experience. It’s all part of the learning process.


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