I noticed by printing out a log statement that when ConnectionLost occurs the OnNetworkFailure will be called continuously while the map is still loaded. Loading the menu did not work, but causing a ClientTravel then loading the menu ensured it was only called once.
void UPuzzlePlatformGameInstance::OnNetworkFailure(UWorld* World, UNetDriver* NetDriver, ENetworkFailure::Type Type, const FString& ErrorString)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Network Failure Occurred: %s"), *ErrorString);
if (Type == ENetworkFailure::FailureReceived || Type == ENetworkFailure::ConnectionLost)
APlayerController* PlayerController = GetFirstLocalPlayerController();
if (!PlayerController)
PlayerController->ClientTravel("/Game/UI/MenuSystem/MenuLevel", ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute);