Now I'm confused

After completing this exercise, I can now see that the couches are invisible to the ray despite being of object type PhysicsBody.
I can compare SM_Chair and SM_Couch and all their properties are identical EXCEPT for simulate physics (which is disabled for the Couch) and the object name.
Clearly LineTraceSingleByObjectType is not doing what it claims.

The problem is that the couches do not come with a simple collision, which the LineTrace function uses to do its job. You could tell the function to use complex collision with FCollisionQueryParams, but the best approach would be to edit the mesh of the couch and add a simple collision to it. Try this:

  • Right-click the couch and “Edit SM_Couch”
  • Menu “Collision” – Item “Add 10DOP-Y Simplified Collision”
  • Save

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