Not reproduced in Unity 2020.2.2

Just to add to the conversation - I’m using Unity 2020.2.2 and this bug doesn’t seem to occur for me, so it’s probably fixed by this version.

I’m also able to duplicate my Dialogue assets without any apparent issues.

(Although I am using slightly different code that uses EditorUtilties.SetDirty() in more places to properly dirty the whole Dialogue asset on any change, if that makes any difference).


Yes, I’ve seen other reports that this bug is not an issue in 2020.2+

Same here, I’m using Unity 2020.3.3f1 and the rename behaviour is the expected one.

If you follow the link to the bug page it says the bug was fixed in 2020.2.x

I also don’t seem to be getting this issue and am using 2021.1.24f1 just so others are aware

There is no bug in my version too. Unity 2021.2.17f1.

Unity 2021.3.7f1 and the bug is not occurring for me either.

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