Not able to package my game

I was trying package my game to test it out on my other mac computer but I am getting a packaging error.
Here is the link to view the logs.

There is no compilation errors but still this is happening. Please help.
ANd I just found that its crashing when I am hosting the game.

The relevant message is

HOTRELOADED_PuzzlePlatformGameInstance_0 has an inappropriate outermost, it was probably saved with a deprecated outer (file: …/…/…/…/…/…/zkc08/gd/unreal project/SteamMultiplayer/UnrealProject/PuzzlePlatforms/Content/MenuSysytem/Maps/MainMenu.umap)

So it sounds like you just need to recompile outside of the editor.

How will I do that. Should I use the hot key cmd+shift+b.
Do you mean that.
And my compiling doesn’t work using this method.
I am confused with two methods. Should I use PuzzlePlatforms Mac Development Build or PuzzlePlatforms Mac Development Build?

I packaged my project after compiling my project through VSCode still it fail3ed but then I compiled my code and found this strange error and it failed . Here is how it looks like :

[1/3] Compile PuzzlePlatformGameInstance.cpp
fatal error: file '/Applications/' has been modified since the precompiled header '/Users/zkc08/gd/unreal project/SteamMultiplayer/UnrealProject/PuzzlePlatforms/Intermediate/Build/Mac/PuzzlePlatformsEditor/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h.gch' was built: mtime changed
note: please rebuild precompiled header '/Users/zkc08/gd/unreal project/SteamMultiplayer/UnrealProject/PuzzlePlatforms/Intermediate/Build/Mac/PuzzlePlatformsEditor/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h.gch'
1 error generated.

You should use Rebuild not Build “PuzzlePlatforms Mac Development Rebuild”

Ooh. Thats why I was thinking why my build through VSCode not working.

This worked. Now I am able to package my game. Thanks for your time.

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