New Environment looks totally different than in the video

After importing the new Environment, I notice that its layout is totally different than the layout in the video. Really it just looks like the first Environment but with more trees and floating houses. Some parts partially buried in the terrain and other with holes in it. One of the houses is actually floating in the tops of a grove of trees:

Secondly, in the video when he zooms out to show the new Environment, you can see a pathway that could be used to transition to another scene or add a neighboring terrain to build off:

But the new environment that I imported(after downloading from resource link and extracting) doesn’t look anything like it. Was the new environment updated after this video?

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Yes, there were some issues with the original terrain that were too distracting, so the decision was made to re-make the terrain. You can actually use any terrain you want as long as you can make it work with the NavMesh.

Thank you for the response. I am referring to the new environment. It appears to have several issues, such as the houses not being on the ground, trees painted inside houses, etc. Also, when baking the light, using the lighting settings produces several warnings about overlapping uvs. While I realize I could use any terrain, I was hoping to focus on the course content rather than creating a new environment, before I can continue. Has anyone else noticed these issues with the new environment?

Hmmm… I checked it, and it doesn’t match up with the one I used when I took the course myself… I’m looking into it.

Awesome thanks for the response.

So I was able to get the same environment that is used in the project by just grabbing the project from the repo. But if you are like me and have a different coding style and/or made some improvement/changes to meet your project needs, you will want to open the repo project up, remove everything but the Environment form the scene, then export the scene, then import it into your project, to preserve your own code and prefabs. Hope this helps someone. Cheers.

So I dug a bit further (as I crafted my own environment from scratch when I initially took the course when we prototyped it)… The original environment is not complete by design. In the Crafting the Environment lecture, Nathan includes instructions to get the Fantasy Forest Free and FantasySkybox Free from the Asset store and get them working within the scene with our environment.

We did this because the things in the environment we distribute were built in house (Grant, our Blender instructor made those lovely houses). We can’t distribute the Fantasy Forest or FantasySkybox.

Thanks again for your response. My apologizes if I have relayed the initial concern incorrectly. Being a coder and not a designer, I was happy to see that a sandbox environment was provided. After following the course(importing the 2 free assets from the asset store as well as unity package download with the houses) and updating their materials for URP, there were no real issues with the provided environment. However, when I reached the “bonus” lecture where we update the environment to a new one that Rick had created(provided in the Resources tab as a rar file that contains a unity package with a new environment), the new environment(still containing trees and terrain painted textures from the Fantasy Forest Free asset as well as the houses and skybox) has several issues(as outlined in my original post). Only after cloning the repo provided, and opening it as a new project, importing the 3 assets, then removing everything not related to the Environment from the scene, saving the scene, exporting it as a unity package, then importing the package into my project, did it resolve the issue. Essentially, I believe that the link in the resources tab, for the new environment, may be the wrong file altogether. Perhaps someone accidentally uploaded the wrong file to the server?

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