Nested array in the inspector in new Unity versions

Has already said in Issues with the Inspector in progression
The inspector is broken when it’s come to nested array, and that make the Progression scriptable object impossible to use after the video " Editing Scriptable Object Files".
The jank solution to put a false element at the top is not enough at this point.

Luckily, another workaround is to use the [NonReorderable] attribute for every array inside the script.
Solution found here (the bug is well know) :

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It’s not only nested arrays, a data structure within an array can also trigger this annoying bug.
The good news is that in 2022.1, that particular bug appears to be fixed… the bad news is that the +/- buttons, while they still appear in the bottom of the array, do nothing after the first click, so back to the old style of increasing the number of elements.

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I have not seen this issue at all in 2021 it may have been there because I do not always upgrade to the next version of 2021 as how close together that they are released some times, or I am currently working on a project and am not having any issues in Unity at the time and the Bug Fixes / Feature Changes in the new release I am not currently using / planing on using.

In my case, I have all of the versions of Unity that are used when I have students send me the file… so, for example, if I needed to look at your project and it was in 2021.3.1f1, then I would install 2021.3.1f1 (matching versions helps make sure I’m looking at the same thing you are)… so I get to see some of the good, bad, and ugly in a broad spectrum (30+ versions and counting) of Unity versions. :slight_smile:

I can only imagine.

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