My understanding about Time delta time

First of all sorry for my bad English “English is not my native language”.
Now let’s get to the topic, here’s what I understand about the Time.deltatime topic,

The time.deltatime moves more smoothly between frames, meanwhile frames have more “fixed” approach to time.

I had this exact same problem a couple of months ago. I read this article and watched a couple of videos about it and it made sense.

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What I get is that time.deltaTime is dependent to time, meanwhile without it it’s dependent to frames.
By doing time.deltaTime the object “frames” will run smoothly because it’s not dipendent on Frames, but time, I understand that time.deltaTime counts the time of completion of the last frame, so from last and next frame the system recognize the time between 30fps and 60fps which will be 30fps = 0.033 and 60fps = 0.016. With 60fps it will be quicker? And 30fps Slower?

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