My tilevania game!

Hi all!

I leave you a link to my mini-project: Dungeon Scape (aka tilevania)

I have developed this project as a prototype of everything I have learned in the Unity 2D course. I tried to develop an escape and puzzle game, but the theme could vary from level to level, in some cases playing with light and darkness, in others playing with levers and doors and in other cases simply with jumping and precision tests. With all the mechanics implemented, the possibilities are many.

Each level takes a lot of work (and lots of objects in the hierarchy), so I only implemented 4 levels. Level 4 includes the most advanced mechanics and features.

I have added the following features:

  • Full Light2D (experimental support)
  • Levers
  • Controlled Doors
  • Controlled Lights
  • Full music, ambient and SFX sound
  • Story texts
  • Triggers for: story, music and light
  • DayNight cycle.

Hope you like!!

Assets credits:

Player: Unity 2D Course
Aditional Characters:

Future Updates:

SFX for player and maybe some minor tweaks


Your game is so cool! I really love the idea of playing with light and darkness, it makes it so much more interesting than a regular platformer. Congratulations!!

The lighting is excellent and the ambient sound in the background really fits. That part is so solid. But I really wish I could click through the dialogue. Waiting for it to finish playing, and having it start three times right away as the game starts playing, really deflates the enthusiasm going in. It feels like, as the player, you keep wanting to run in and jump and mess around and see what things do, but instead the game keeps locking you and making you wait for it to finish showing text.

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