My Realm Rush Project So Far

This project has been quite fun to make, I tested a new pipeline that didn’t throw the results I wanted. The speed at which I was able to develop this game was actually quite slower than my previous project which was more complicated than this one.


Main differences with the original Realm Rush Project:

  • I’m using the pathfinding system of later lectures but I modified it heavily for it to create several paths based on starting and end points.
  • The Pathfinding searches for several paths but just once.
  • I can create waves with different settings, like spawn rate, initial spawn point, and even different endpoints, this can lead to some interesting level design.
  • The player can only place a certain amount of towers and swap between them.
    • To keep track of how many towers the player can place, the towers have indicators that tell if the limit has been reached and, if the limit was reached, the first tower will go off to let a new tower activate.
  • The ships play an animation when reaching the goal; they fire a missile and leave the path. The missile hits the base, smoke comes out, and the camera shakes just for a more dramatic effect.

I want this game to be fast-paced, that’s why I’m not using an economic system for this, but rather a more active approach where the player needs to keep activating turrets in different locations. Having multiple paths and different types of waves gives a lot of levers for the game designer to use and play around with.

This is, obviously, heavily inspired by Star Wars.


Decided to heavily change the UI and use the terrain to better indicate the remaining health of the space station.


No way! Star Wars themed?! You always blow me away!

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Haha, protect the Death Star! Love it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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