My new enemy is invisible, have tried multiple solutions but nothing works

My new enemy is invisible.
I tried to change the layer order to 1 or higher, change the Z axis and even disable my background but nothing seems to be working.
Even when only duplicating my existing enemies, it still doesn’t show


Is the z-position of the background set to 10, the z-position of the camera to -10 and the z-position of the other game objects to 0?

If so, please check your Hierarchy during runtime. Is the enemy there?

Yes, all the z positions are as you mentioned.
The enemies and projectiles are there during the runtime.
Only the 2 enemies that I created in the very beginning are visible. I’ve tried to duplicate multiple new enemies but all of new enemies are invisible.

Hi Nina,

Apparently my path (waypoints parent)'s transform position is wrong and it causes the enemies to be spawned outside the camera.
Feels really stupid and relieved at the same time after figured out the problem.

I’m glad you figured the problem out yourself. Well done! :slight_smile:

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