My New and Improved Number wizard. Number Cruncher!

the placment of text is a little screwed up, just ignore that…

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Hi dka13,

Nice ‘reversal’ of the guessing - props for having both options (and making proper buttons …and having sound!).

One issue I did notice, though, was that when you ask who should think of the number the responses are the wrong way around (‘You’ think of a number should be the machine doing so and me guessing, whereas ‘Me’ think of a number should be me doing so and the machine guessing). Otherwise, though, amazing job!

yeah i noticed that a little while after lol. Thanks!


Otherwise, interesting innovation. cool! It’s these kind of adjustments that make you stand out. Good job on the project an gl with the course!

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Pretty creative that the number wizard can challenge you instead. I need to step up my game.

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Nice game dka13. It could be interesting when the human fail to find the number thought by the computer to show the correct answer in the lose screen :slight_smile:

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