My first boss!

I wanted to spend a little extra time and figure out an actual Boss fight to finish out the series… SO, I spent the better part of the day, working on a new BossAIController.cs, that Inherits from AIController.CS… So AIController.CS has a lot of protected/virtual status’ implemented, and I have come up with, what I think, is a pretty cool, “Phase 2” for my Boss. The first phase is like a normal enemy, just stronger… The boss will move to attack range and try to attack. If the boss gets below 75% health, it will enter into Phase two, where it teleports itself to a Location around the Player, if it is close enough for a weapon attack, it will strike with its weapon, if its out of range it will cast a fireball at the player… The weapon attack currently uses a animation event to directly damage the player. I have plans to convert this to a sphere cast, that will check if the player got hit by the cast, then apply damage, but I haven’t yet…


Nicely done!

Showing good initiative, great effort :smiley:

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