Moving cube with client

I think that because we are telling the server to only update someone that doesnt have authority the server simply creates and updates the stationary cube every tick. Meanwhiile we have told the server to “only” update the client of the cubes new position every tick. So we get a stationary cube on the server and a moving cube on the client. I did manage to stand on the cube once and I clipped straight through the wall. Cool but bizzare?! Is this because the player was moving on a stationary cube? Other than that one time I couldnt do it again either because I suck at jumping with the default character or because the cube is nearly impossible to jump on because it is a PHANTOM CUBE lol. all the same cool as f and im not sure im right lol

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You are right. The client moves the cube but the server is stationary and so the collision doesn’t move either - it remains at the start position on the server.

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