May of gone a bit overboard

I got a little distracted and went a bit overboard and wrote a run handler and return a slower speed if strafing (vertical and horizontal movement at the same time) xD

#include "raylib.h"

int moveSpeed{3};
int runMultiplier{3};

bool isStrafing() {
    return ((IsKeyDown(KEY_W) || IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) && (IsKeyDown(KEY_A) || IsKeyDown(KEY_D)));

int getSpeed() {
    if(IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)) { // Running?
        return isStrafing() ? (moveSpeed * runMultiplier) * 0.8 : moveSpeed * runMultiplier;
    } else {
        return isStrafing() ? moveSpeed * 0.8 : moveSpeed;

int main() {
    int width{500};
    int height{350};
    InitWindow(width, height, "My Game");

    int circlePosX{100};
    int circlePosY{100};

    while(!WindowShouldClose()) {
        DrawCircle(circlePosX, circlePosY, 50, BLUE);

        if(IsKeyDown(KEY_D)) {
            circlePosX = circlePosX + getSpeed();
        if(IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) {
            circlePosX = circlePosX - getSpeed();
        if(IsKeyDown(KEY_W)) {
            circlePosY = circlePosY - getSpeed();
        if(IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) {
            circlePosY = circlePosY + getSpeed();


Experimenting with ideas is the best way to learn. I adopted your run functionality and added directional keys to the mix.

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