Maths for Games - A Fresh Start for Mathematics

I’m ready to throw money at the screen :dollar::euro::pound::money_with_wings::credit_card:


ooooh great, always down for some maths

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So the Maths Kickstarter is about to cross the line, so grateful.

What would you MOST like to see as a first stretch-goal?

  • Math for Procedural Generation
  • Math for Shaders
  • Math for Physics

0 voters


@ben do you know how much you will set the first stretch goal to?

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I think that Math for Physics and Shaders are more useful topics that Procedural Generation.
Every game needs shaders, most of the games use physics, but not all use procedural generation content.

However, I hope we get all those courses!!


While I agree, proc gen is a lot more fun visually than physics XD. And if they all come then it’s great anyway. I did debate on shaders, not a subject I’m well versed in. With Ben teaching should be good regardless.

I’m with you on this. Physics seems like the first natural extension of math into games environments, but hopefully it becomes a moot point and we get all three.

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Could this course also offer a game systems perspective? I’ve only just learned this really existed and it could be informative. It could hit on topics like:

Stat system relations:

  • How much does strength affect damage?
  • How much should HP and other stats depend on level?
  • Critical Hit Chance, and the like, using variance and random number generation

Other Math:

  • Math used for inflating experience gain throughout levels
  • In-game economics including income and vendor logistics

I’m sure there is much more in this topic that is math-related.


Looking forward to this one - if we could include a reactive water/liquid texture movement how-to in this that would be really cool! I have had trouble finding a good tutorial on this topic that explains the math behind the movement.

I will be using water a lot in the type of games I want to make, and I bet a lot of others will as well!

For me math for shaders would be at the top of the list… all three are useful.

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We’re funded, thanks so much everyone!

Let’s continue the maths debate


Have the codes for that gone out form Kickstarter already?

Hi there, not for the math course, I haven’t started making that yet. However if you have back catalog courses then @Lucy_Becker sent access for those this week.

I’m studying game design, and I find programming to be my thing as a hard skill - mostly because the distance between in-depth design and programming is merely a matter of translation.

However, as much as my mind instantly and naturally wraps around the logic of programming, it seems to be most often stupefied by the complexities of math. I stopped enjoying math in high school, I don’t know why.

Theoretically it should be the same kind of thinking involved in programming, so maybe it just had to do with how it was taught back then?

I’m really looking forward to this course, as math is clearly an integral part of good game design.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for letting us participate. Here’s the thing, I’m a graphic designer trying to jump over to game design, and -as much as I like classic genres, like sidescrollers, or other established general mechanics- I’m always trying to come up with small little games that will promote new or at least ingenious interactions. And more often than not, mathematics are involved.

Let’s take an example I’m working on:

You have two players in a 1v1 game, they have 3 stats that have equal starting values, and they use cards to fight the opponent. Each card benefits from one or more stats in order to get more powerful effects, and when used, they also increase your value in those stats while lowering the remaining ones proportionally. My biggest wall is being calculating what is the best method to create the effects for these cards that will be balanced and fun. And once I’m there… BOOOM, my old math stash from when I was at school over 2 decades ago is meaningless.

What I’m presenting here is a request to think about including material that will not only be able to address Unity - C# or whatever mechanical issues, but will also go to the conceptual stage. Maybe this is not the course to tackle this, I’m OK with that, but I wanted to bring this up nonetheless, at least for future reference.

Also, I’m enjoying your Unity 3D and Blender courses, but… I’d definitely could use a lot more exercises. Not being so young anymore means I don’t have so much spare time, and practicing unguided sometimes is not so feasible. So, since this is a course where practicing is probably a lot more important than in any other… could you please consider including “Tons of homework”? It’d be awesome.

Thank you so much, again, for such a great service to the community of aspiring game designers and developers.

Diego Martinez

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I’m sure if you are able to phrase your game design rules in a clear, logical way, you will also be able to code the logic. The good thing about maths and programming is that there is no room for interpretation. The computer does exactly what you tell him to do. :slight_smile:


Hello, everyone. I can not join the Kickstarter for the math course; is it close now?. or there some way to participate? Please inform me; thanks.

Thank you for your reply! Yes, this is what I was getting at. The logic is the same, the only difference is in the language itself and learning its specifics. Thank you!

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