This was a toughie. My goal was to get the rockets on the dog to rotate along with the rigidbody sim from the lesson, but not have the dog itself rotate. I had to do a few things in the end, and I ended up pulling from my experience as a character rigger which was pretty fun.
- I had to write a script that queried the main object’s Z rotation and applied an inverse rotation to a parent transform above the goggles, dog, and harness mesh.
- I had to make sure that all of the transforms were in the same spot.
- I ended up applying a mesh collider on the actual dog’s geo. Since the dog model was too complex, Unity auto-simplified the collision geometry. The end result was actually pretty good.
- Since Rick’s instructions called for the main object’s transformations to be constantly frozen and unfrozen, it ended up unfrozen, making the dog roll away after landing. I solved it by simply keeping all transforms frozen at all times.
I’m pretty happy with the results! Moving this guy around is actually kinda fun.