Magika Land of Fantasy

Hello there,

Finally I’ve published my game in steam and I let you the links (obviously free to play)

Also, I want to thank gamedev to teach me how to make games in unreal engine 4 :slight_smile: I have you in the credits :blush:

Thanks @Manu_Scheller @ben @sampattuzzi

pd. i had a WIP post but i cant edit that post anymore


Congrats on publishing it :slight_smile:


WOW! :heart_eyes:

The is really pretty. It looks like a lot of the assets are custom. Did you use Blender for these?

Thanks for the mention in the credits, we are thrilled we could give you a boost on your learning journey.

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P.S. I enabled voting in this category just so that I could vote up you game. :slight_smile:

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%#@! That is amazing!

Well done for going all out and creating a fantastic game!

Did you create a blog/vlog of your journey?

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Could of play testing points:

  1. Doesn’t feel like you should be able to shield a trap. Feels like cheating.
  2. When you reply, the enemies remain dead. That doesn’t feel right either as it’s then easier to replay as I have all my mana and health back.
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thanks! I have some videos of tests that i did. i can upload them and post it if you have curisosity :slight_smile:

:blush: thank you.

I have in mind create some anti-magic zone where you wont be able to cast spells so youll have to use your skills to pass some trap zones

And for the checkpoint… i dont know what to do… or ill do a one shoot checkpoint (if you die two times youll have to repeat the level) or remove the checkpoints… I have to think about it…

For some of the Assets we used Blender, other’s are from the Unreal Marketplace :slight_smile:


I did an update now you can choose between easy (potions for life, mana and checkpoints (infinite), normal (only mana potions and 1 time checkpoint) and hard (nothing)) I want to do a timeattack with steams leaderboard.

And I did the respawn as u said, the level “restarts”


Hey this is really good. Quite difficult though. Great job!

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Thanks Mark :slight_smile: i’m trying to do something new :smiley:

If you need 3D assets for anything you do in the future, let me know :slight_smile:

I need the practise haha

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