Low poly tryouts Deer

So before I started the Chess Section, I decided to challenge myself by making a low poly deer.(I have some big plans for the chess set, so I needed to see if I’d be able to make something from scratch)
Besides watching a few speed low poly builds, I was applying what I’ve learned so far, plus experimenting with sculpting too. So, here are the results!

Flat and Smooth shadings in Eevee.

Composition in Cycles.

Any feedback and tips are appreciated, especially about the legs connecting to the body :joy:


Looking very good for low poly.

Your legs are not part of the main body it looks like?

It all comes down to topology. Controlling how the verts create loops and the use of poles. It is more advanced than the chess set type of thing. Not even much covered in the updated course I believe. If you seek out the archived 2.7 course, the head modelling the non sculpting proper block way goes into topology very well as a good starting point.

So in short your ambitions are ahead of your familiarity with modelling. It will come. I would get through much more of the course and come back to this. Or, study topology via youtube, but it might still be a bit soon in your path.


Awesome comment of NP5, which in my case I think I wouldn’t fully understand the importance before chess section (I might not even fully ‘get it’ now :sweat_smile:).

The scene is awesome! Incidentally, doing it should help you in the chess section. I can imagine you will not struggle as I was with modelling the kngiht :smiley:


I tried doing legs from main body, but it ended up looking not the way I wanted and slightly distorting the body, so I decided to make them as a separate object.

I am a bit an overachiever, but I’m happy with what I can do with my current knowledge. This was a personal challenge for me to see if I can do something without seeking out additional tutorials :joy: everything else will come in time.


Oh I struggled with the head a lot, especially the nose, even now it kinda looks a bit too narrow :joy: however, on chess section I’m planning on making custom mythical creature pieces. I’ll have to make myself to make less polys than I think they will need, cuz I’m a sucker for details, but as I continue to notice, in blender sometimes less=more :joy:


You’re ahead of me, so can’t give any tips :sweat_smile:, but looks excellent to my eyes! :clap:


:joy: I can imagine. Next time though it will be easier :crossed_fingers:

Oh, this sounds like fun! I think you are more of an overachiever then me :joy: … so consider doing mythical creature version and the version in the course as well :smiley: (Like I did ).

And as a fellow overachiever :sweat_smile: you might be interested in know that there is a weekly challenge organized here. This week subject is coming to an end today, but maybe you’ll be interested in challenging yourself in the future :crossed_fingers:

Low poly is really good for learning. I didn’t appreciate it enough till I did my challange. Agree 100%, “Less is more” is kind of cliche, but it really is in the case of modelling.

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Yooooo your stuff looks so cool! I’m so far from your level :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I might end up doing both mine and course’s sets, later for initial practice at least. As for the weekly challenge, I don’t feel nearly good enough to start applying this early on :joy: maybe eventually :joy:

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Thank you! :blush: I am really a beginner as well. Maybe in total I have now 5 month of learning “by the evening” (spread through ~2 years). I actually thought similar thing looking at your render :sweat_smile:

If only this stops you - don’t be discouraged! The purpose is to learn, not to compete (but competition for overachievers is like an added bonus :sweat_smile:). And more importantly - your render is really, really good.

(Just to be clear - don’t feel any pressure - we all learn in different way, have our own schedules, etc. What I want to emphasize that you are more than “good enough” to have fun in Blender Collab with the part of the community that enjoys it).

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Thank you a lot for the encouragement! Though my courage levels are always really low, so applying might need to wait a bit :rofl::rofl::rofl: unless comes a theme that just SPEAKS to me :joy::sweat_smile:

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