Looking for some simple quest methods

This Quest Course is really challenging. However, in order to make a production ready game, I will keep studying some complex quest logic and use some simple quest logic for the time being.

Say if I want to setup 1-3 quests in each level, can I make an invisible collider (like the cinimachine in Combat course) at the beginning, when the player enter the collider, the quests will be added to the player’s questList (like talking to npc and accept the quests).

After the boss is killed or whatever quest trigger is met, (e.g. the OnDie() trigger completion of the mendatory quest), the reward is being placed into the inventory, a UI shows player a reward is granted and player can click button to exit the level/scene.

Can I apply this method?

The automatic quests addition is fairly easy, that invisible collider just needs to trigger a QuestGiver that gives the player the required quest(s).

The second part requires a bit more work… Probably a prefabbed UI with a text component and whatever flashy graphics, and of course an exit scene button (or just “ok”)… then when the final Quest is completed, call up the UI and set the text and assign the button to call the scene change to the next scene.

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