Location = sin(time)

Here’s how I did it. I think it’s a little more simple. But I did like how the solution after the challenge break uses more linear algebra.


First I added an FVector originalLocation; to the class.
Then in BeginPlay the original location is saved when the actor begins.

void AMovingPlatform::BeginPlay()
	originalLocation = GetActorLocation();
	if (HasAuthority()) {

Finally Tick uses the original location, so it doesn’t need to translate the vector from World space to Local space.

Also I used GetWorld()->RealTimeSeconds because it counts from when the game starts up, so then when I sine it, it will oscillate between the two points smoothly.

void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float deltaSeconds)
	if (!HasAuthority())
	auto world = GetWorld();
	auto gameTime = world->RealTimeSeconds;

	auto location = originalLocation + (TargetLocation * sin(gameTime));
	SetActorLocation(location, false);

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