LobbyUI not showing when clicking "Host" solution

I ran into this but fortunately figured out the issue pretty quickly. It’s not immediately apparent and should probably be noted in the lecture next time. I saw another person (maybe more) have this issue, yet I never saw an actual solution posted.

Make sure that your lobby UI parent with the LobbyMenu.cs attached (named “LobbyParent” in the video) is left enabled and only disable the LobbyUI child. If the entire Lobby hierarchy is disabled, the LobbyMenu.cs script never has a chance to run, therefore Start(), OnEnable(), or whichever method you subscribed to the client connected event in, is never invoked, therefore, the event is not subscribed to and the UI is never enabled.


Thanks! You just saved me probably a couple of hours of unnecessary debugging… have a virtual beverage of your choosing on me :slight_smile:

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Just want to add in case anyone else has the same problem for my reason:

Make sure you be a good student and clear the “online scene” on the network manager just like Nathan clearly does in the video.

Thanks for this, saved me some time too :grinning:

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