Light Leaking: Using Floor Tiles versus using a few scaled Static Mesh Cube

I’m not quite understanding the approach to why we need to add so much more geometry just to stop light bleeding through it doesn’t seem very efficient.
Could someone enlighten me to why this method is used.

I did a quick and dirty fix that seems to work which was to add a static mesh actor (white cube) which I stretched over parts of the map

This has far less geometry and was easy to apply, is there a technical reason to why this approach should not be used?


This the view from within the Dungeon. I have flown over all the design and apart from the court yard the inside is completely black as I would expect.


I did the same thing as you as I was having trouble fiddling around - i figured perhaps it might be good practice in the professional industry or something. I’d like to know also.

I’m not quite sure to be honest. The demonstration map just uses a few big pieces as well.

@sampattuzzi ?

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I am confused by this too. Surely less geometry with simpler textures would be better in terms of performance. It looks so fiddly and so many assets are used for something that will never be seen directly. With today’s computers being as powerful as they are this probably is negligible but I figure in a small low poly project this could make up a significant overhead.

Well I think the answer really depends on the question: Will the player see the roof or not in your game level? If there’s no ability for the player to see the roof, I see no problem with just some basic white tiles to cover the map. If your player will leave the dungeon and walk around on top of it, then it should look appropriate.

In this example, given the player can’t leave the courtyard, it’s fine to just cover it up as you see fit.

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