Level Completion Triggers Quest Completion with Rewards

Lets say if the quest completion trigger was to destroy a boss, I + a new event at On Die(), I

  1. added Quest Completion Script, selected the quest, changed Objective to 1,
  2. dragged the boss prefab to Runtime Only at On Die(), added Question Completion Objective trigger,
  3. the player had the quest in questList.

However, after killing the boss, my inventory had no reward.

Edit: I found a bug. After getting the quest, when I talk to the quest completion NPC for the first time. The quest shows complete 1/1 but no reward (if I kill the boss, also no reward). When I talk to the quest NPC for the second time or killing the OnDie trigger boss now, the reward shows up in the inventory.

Diagnosing Quests and Conditions are probably the most challenging part of the entire RPG series. Let’s see if we can nail this one down.

Plenty of possible causes for this, depending on the setup…

Let’s start by looking at the inspectors for the quest…

Can you paste a screenshot of the inspector for the Quest? Be sure to expand each objective.
Also, paste in the relevant dialoguenode inspectors for the quest. Be sure to expand each Condition
Finally, paste in the inspector for the Boss, but collapse everything but the Health component (specifically I want to see the OnDie() event) as well as the QuestCompletion.

—Below Quest Giver ------

–complete quest now by talking to NPC

quest shows completed but no reward in inventory

–talk to NPC second time and reward shows

Ok, so the issue might be in the dialogue structure… More pasting… I know this seems tedius, but a screenshot of the dialogue editor window, and then screenshots of each of the nodes with the conditions fully expanded. This is the only way to work through the logic of the Dialogue nodes and their conditions to see what might be going on.

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