Just to be pedantic... :)

I really like this Traits system, it’s a nice way to give the player some agency over their progress.

I also just wanted to be “that guy” and say for the sake of accuracy that this kind of transaction is called bargaining or haggling, not bartering. Bartering is a trade of items or services that does not involve the exchange of money (like I give you a cow for five magic beans).

It could be interesting to create a Shop system for true bartering… hmmm, gives me a few ideas…

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Putting on my own pedantic hat…

You’re right, it’s modern definition is trading goods for other goods… though it has an intersting linquistic history, coming from a french word which essencially means to deceive.

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Very interesting! I also learned that “haggle” comes from an old meaning of “to cut unevenly”…

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I see your pedantry and raise it one pedantic fun fact. The word trade would often be associated with “lower class” exchanges. An entrepreneur Barters or exchanges(french), a child trades(german) cards… a trapper trades furs. This is because William the conqueror was French and the Anglo-Saxons were primarily Germanic speakers when he took over. This delineation in language lead to much of the way we use words today. French/Latin based words are classy, while German based words are low class or vulgar.

A fine dining restaurant has poultry on the menu …but we peasants eat chicken.
A doctor might requite a fecal/feces sample. But we peasants have a different word for feces i cant say on a forum.
One might fornicate to propagate the species and that’s classy and Latin… but we peasants have a shorter f word that’s Germanic based in origin… and and gets you suspended from school for the day.

A ruler Exchanges(french: des échanges) but a peasant trades(german: Tausch)

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