That is an interesting observation. I am glad to hear you are able to get the programs to run at certain file path locations
I followed your procedure to the letter and unfortunately I am getting mixed results. After redownloading the section 12 commit, and modifying the tasks.json file with the prescribed link neither the desktop nor the downloads locations resulted in the program running.
I also downloaded the last section commit, and modified the tasks.json file as before with mixed results. I ran the program two times in Downloads, and once on the desktop. The first download run worked, so I tried the desktop to prove that it was not a fluke. Desktop did not work, and after going back to the downloads location the downloads folder did not run. Therefore that one instance was a fluke based on my small data sample, and I am not sure why it worked that one time, as I proceeded consistency on all attempts. Back to the drawing board for me
Do you think this has to do with the structure of the Makefile or the .json files for building the project? I would like to learn more about how to make these files as they seem critical for the rest of the C++ course. I recognize the complexity of these files from the perspective of a beginner, may be potentially trickier, but if handwaving is going to occur with the .vscode folder and makefile these aught to not result in brick walls. Otherwise it would help to have the first section (if not the first project) to dive step by step on setting up these files. I am not sure if my setup is broken, and I am just a outlier(does not seem to be the case as others in the cpp_fundamentals thread are having similar issues).
The concern I am seeing here is that this is supposed to be marketed as a beginner’s friendly course, and the for the C++ portion I agree with that whole heartedly. However the enigmatic nature of the magic vscode box and makefile needs to be explained further.
I would implore you to add video lectures showing how to setup these .json, and makefiles for the course as I believe learning the C++ fundamentals is covered, but touching on another language would not only be helpful, but for further projects using Raylib the student would have a grasp on how to successfully build these programs. I support the success of this course, and I am extremely impressed with how the course as a whole is built. Just this one little bug is causing a great deal of intimidation and despair.
Daniel Horn