Joining across the internet

Hi, I am trying to have my friend connect to my listen server outside of LAN. I have port forwarded 7777 and 7778, but when he tries to connect to my server it says
4-03-06 031843

He presses “Join a friend” and it shows 1 session found but it couldn’t find TestServer.

I believe the fault lies here, is it supposed to join using the IP or the name? I am not sure, since it works perfectly fine in LAN

The NULL OSS is not suitable for this. It will only work on a local LAN and so the best way is to actually use the Steam OSS for this sort of thing, or Epic Games’ one. The original multiplayer course used to use a tool that created a VPN of sorts between 2 people so they could act as a single network called Hamachi. I can’t say if this will help as it isn’t covered as part of this course.

I hope this helps

Yeah the NULL OSS works perfectly fine. I switched to steam OSS in the defaultengine.ini with port forward enabled, the game says “Spacewar” on steam when we run it. I thought that coding for the NULL OSS would also work for the steam OSS also, but I guess that doens’t work that way? I am not sure

Well, Steam needs a few extra settings in the DefaultEngine but also a couple of extra things in code like the logic to set the IsLan flag to false.

Also, players must be in the same region for Steam OSS to work. Also, both need steam accounts (different ones)

Yeah, it seems like the free version of SteamDevAppId is region locked, and my friend is in another continent. I created a steamworks account and used my own personal DevAppId and now it works perfectly fine. Thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 223915

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