It's possible to implement a second language in the dialogue system?

It’s possible to implement a second language in the dialogue system?
For example before I start to play I choose the language, and all dialogues are then in the choosen language.

Sure. You can use the ‘smart string’ feature of the Unity Localization package

It is absolutely possible, but it will require some work. The link above will get you started on Localization. With this, you’ll be putting a reference to a smart string instead of a simple string in the dialogues, and when the game is run, if the user sets it to one of the languages for which you’ve translated your dialogue it will automagically switch to it.

In the early days of localization, it could get very expensive to manage ui and dialogues for other languages, as Google Translate often missed the nuances of the language, and there were services out there (there still are services out there) who make a pretty decent living just translating your UI (charging by the word). These days, Google Translate has gotten a lot better and taking care of the sublteties of the language.

Hi Brian, hi bixarrio
Cool ! Nice to heard that.
My goal is to have audio output in the dialogues too. That makes little bit komplex maybe.
I’ll try it out making the quick start guide from Unity.

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