Issue when changing Input System


I am currently doing the Multiplayer game course and there we were asked to import the new input system. That was easy. But the problem is when changing the Active Input Handling to something other than new, the whole editor crashes (I do get the message before, that the editor must restart and when I hit apply then the crash occurs).
I sent the report to Unity as well.

Decided to try to make a new project using just Unity 3D instead of 3D URP and when I tried to install Input system it crashed. Don’t know whats up with that. (Unity version 2020.3.22f1)

Hi there,
The editor is supposed to restart when you change the input system. When you say crash, you mean it’s just not successfully restarting? Do you get an error message or Unity crash report or something?

Just Unity crash report, no error. May be its because of the new Unity Hub (3.0.0)?

I restarted my computer to try again. It loaded more, like it opened the Unity program and showed that Editor was loading but then it crashed again.

Right now I made a third project and it seems to be working fine when I don’t add the Input System

Super weird, you are using the beta version of the hub?

Hub is 3.0.0. It doesn’t say its Beta. So I don’t know
But I can follow along with the course without updating the Input System.

Okay, let me know if you need any help with input stuff, there are a bunch of bugs caused by not having the input system set to both. You should be able to adjust the code that we right though.

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