Intellisense not working in VSC

Hi there, for the last few weeks doing tutorials I’ve overlooked this issue but it’s becoming a pain. I’ve never had “Intellisense” working on Viscual Studio Code. I don’t get squiggly lines or anything when an error is made. I can’t find a setting to do so, any help would be great, thank you.

(If relevant I’m on Windows 10 with latest Unity installed)

Hi Thomas,

Please follow the instruction on this website and make sure all required extensions are installed:

If the issue persists, please check the console of VS Code (not Unity!). If the .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Developer Pack) is mentioned there, download and install it from the official Microsoft website. Here is the link:

Depending on your version of Unity, it might be that you will have to install the “Visual Studio Code Editor” package in Window > Package Manager in Unity.

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P in VS Code.
  2. Type “OmniSharp: Select Project” and press Return.
  3. Select the solution workspace entry.

Maybe you’ll have to reboot your computer. Then launch Unity again and open one of your scripts.

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