Intellisense not behaving the same

I have an issue with the intellisense not behaving the same as in the videos.
Basically there are two major differences:

  1. it doesn’t “predict” some things like “print” and “Debug”. I’ll start typing “pr” and all that pops up is “prop” “propa” “propdp” etc. Same sort of thing for Debug.

  2. it isn’t warning me about out of bounds variables. Following the video, I have the max, min, and guess ints declared in Start, but not in Update. I have “min = guess;” down in Update, but it’s not giving me any sort of warning that either variable doesn’t exist there, as it does and is specifically mentioned in the video.

I’ve tried reinstalling, I’ve tried making sure that the language option has both “auto list members” and “paramater information” selected. I can’t get it to function the same. :confused: I can deal with the prediction not being present, but not warning me of out-of-bounds variables may come up to bite me in the butt as I’m learning.

Image of code

Hi sevvie,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Does MonoBehaviour have the same colour as your classname? If not, there might be a problem with Visual Studio. Please watch lecture “Fixing Visual Studio Problems” (currently #4).

Did this help?

See also:

Uhhh… well now I’m even more confused because in my Solution Explorer there’s… well nothing.

It says “Solution ‘Solution1’ (0 projects)” and then nothing else.

One difference I just noticed between the video and my own IDE is that in the video, under the project name “NumberWizard.cs” it says “Assembly-CSharp” whereas mine says “Miscellaneous Files”. I don’t know if that’s relevant or not.

Okay. I resolved it.

Found this webpage:

Doing " 2. Go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and make sure that Visual Studio is set as your “External Script Editor”."

Fixed it. Which seems really weird because it WAS opening in Visual Studio 2019, regardless of that setting. Owell.

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