IntelliSense doesn't work

hi there,
On my VS code I have a C# extension and unity code snippets. but still, I don’t get any auto completion suggestion in my code. some how the IntelliSense doesn’t work.
what am I missing?


Please follow the instruction on this website and make sure all required extensions are installed:

If the issue persists, please check the console of VS Code (not Unity!). If the .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Developer Pack) is mentioned there, download and install it from the official Microsoft. Here is the link:

Depending on your version of Unity, it might be that you will have to install the “Visual Studio Code Editor” package in Window > Package Manager in Unity.

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P in VS Code.
  2. Type “OmniSharp: Select Project” and press Return.
  3. Select the solution workspace entry.

Maybe you’ll have to reboot your computer. Then launch Unity again and open one of your scripts.

Did this help?

See also:

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I had issues with that, too. I just went back to using regular Visual Studio (the IDE, not VS Code).

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Hi tarakarimi.

My experience is a probably little different from yours since I’m using Linux but you should be able to go to Files > Preferences > Extension > C# Configuration and look around for “Omnisharp: Use Global Mono” and make sure that’s set to “Always.” This fixed my issue with IntelliSense. For Linux, this also required installing MonoDevelop but I don’t think that’s necessary for Windows since Unity should include all the Mono development libraries.

I also tried Regenerating all the project files from Unity through Edit > Preferences > External Tools but I’m not actually sure that did anything.

Hope this help. VS Community is fine as well but VSCode is a more lightweight so IMO it’s a better option if you can get it to work properly.

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