Int method for this section

If anyone is having issues with using Ints instead of floats here… this is my code for it. (Quick note I use a slightly different style guide than he does… remove the underscores from private variables and the capital letter from LevelToUnlock and you will be fine)

  private Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> GetAvailabilities()
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> availabilities = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, int>();

            foreach (var config in GetAvailableConfigs())
                if (!availabilities.ContainsKey(config._item))
                    availabilities[config._item] = 0;
                availabilities[config._item] += config._initialStock;

            return availabilities;

        private Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> GetPrices()
            Dictionary<InventoryItem, int> prices = new Dictionary<InventoryItem, int>();

            foreach (var config in GetAvailableConfigs())
                if (!prices.ContainsKey(config._item))
                    prices[config._item] = config._item.GetPrice();

                prices[config._item] = Mathf.CeilToInt(prices[config._item] * (1f - config._buyingDiscountPercentage / 100f));

            return prices;

        private IEnumerable<StockItemConfig> GetAvailableConfigs()
            int shopperLevel = GetShopperLevel();
            foreach (var config in _stockConfig)
                if (config.LevelToUnlock > shopperLevel) continue;
                yield return config;

Doesn’t seem to be private if you can access it like this. :thinking: :wink:

Yeah good point I think I didn’t catch that in a refactor i was doing. I usually scrub for those kinds of oversights at the end of a course. When I get though the whole course I’ll update the code snip to reflect mt final code (and something that doesn’t cause issues on future lessons I have not done yet).

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