Increasing scale on Goobers issues

Having some issues with flipping enemy when I make the scale bigger. I saw previous discussion on it but do not fully understand the solution. How to use the new scale set of enemy to flip sprite and maintain scale?


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Could you please share more information on what you did and have in Unity? Screenshots might also be helpful.

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When you set the scale on an axis to negative, it flips the sprite on that axis, eg. setting the scale to (-1, 1) will flip the sprite horizontally. Now, if you scale the sprite to be twice the size, you need to maintain this negative value meaning you need to set it to (-2, 2)

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Hi sorry for the late reply, I changed the FlipSprite() from changing value of the transform scale to simply flipX on the Sprite Renderer

void FlipSprite() 
        if (enemyBody.velocity.x > 0)
            enemySprite.flipX = true;
            enemySprite.flipX = false;

I was wondering if this approach has any flaws compared to the transform.localScale one? It seems to maintain the scale of the sprite as well.


The only potential “flaw” I see is that your solution flips the sprite only but not the colliders. If the periscope collider is on the right-handed side of the goober’s centre and the goober sprite flips, the periscope would still remain on the right-handed side. You will have to test this edge case to figure out if it causes a problem in your game. If it does not, your solution is sufficient. As always, a solution depends on the context. :slight_smile:

Regarding your implementation, I’m showing you a little trick: enemyBody.velocity.x > 0f is a boolean expression whose value is either true or false. For this reason, you could use it “as it is”.

void FlipSprite() 
    enemySprite.flipX = enemyBody.velocity.x > 0;

Done. :slight_smile:

However, if you prefer if/else, your current code is perfectly fine, too.

See also:

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