so i managed to get the BoxCast, but i am struggling with the raycast, why raycast? because i’m trying as i said to use only 2 colliders and the edgecolliders worked well but i didn’t understand how to get the line to be instantiated with an offset (without using the edge collider), so i created a raycast but i don’t understand why it works like this:
it’s behavior is different from boxcast/linecast while they detect collision while the player is moving inside the collider, the raycast to me act more like a “penetrating” arrow, like it detects the collision while it’s end penetrates the collider and same when it exits, i want it to behave like a boxcast/linecast
like this it detects (the red is the box collider of the ladder)
like this no, so only while “penetrating”
don’t know if this is expected, i’m learning raycasts etc… thanks to you with bruteforce approach lol
and i know i’m talking alone since 4 messages but this helps me to clear my mind hahaaha
PS: i just realized that maybe all collisions work like this ._.