Yes, that’s how it works, I can re-write the code, it’s actually easier to make the player fall.
Yes but fall only if you are not “attached” if you look at the code I sent before you’ll understand better than I can explain lol
Like being able to jump freely if you are at the bottom and through it
I solved this with the previous code but didnt solve the falling and bouncing at the top
Also there were a bug where if you keept pushing space it would jump into space so i re-added the before the jump and it worked good
So at least that revealed to be useful ahahah
There’s also an easier way to do this, but… well, not sure if I should introduced this to you yet, it’s a little advance, it’s called a State Machine, you can create one with the Mechanim system.
That would be cool but i would like first to solve this with the instruments i have to master them
Also i had another question, how did you attach the layer mask of the top? (I suppose it’s a game object and not a tile that ladder)
If I would like to do something similiar i should necessarily do an other entire tile layer where paint the “top ladders?”
Yeah, it’s a game object.
I have to understand how to do that in my situation (having also the ability to jump through the ladder etc…) i think that if I want to stick with this without using raycasts the only thing is to do a “TopLadders” tilemap to paint
So i think maybe it would be better to understand how to have the raycast and let him understand when I am at the top of the ladder colliders (as you said before) mhh
Don’t know if there are other solutions
I currently I have 1 capsule collider and 2 box collider on my player
The capsule is for world collisions and i made afer a little box collider at the bottom of the capsule near the feet to avoid the player from sliding when near edges, i really disliked that behavior from the capsule
If it was for me i would have used only a 1 box collider for the player but I read that for various reason it would be better to use a capsule so i did a sort of combination of the two
Then i have the collider Rick made in lesson at the bottom of the capsule for the Recognition of Ladders and the Ground( to jump) but i made it as a trigger because when it was not it’s collisions would mess up when jumping near edges and stuck the player
This is the reason why i have 3 colliders
Maybe i can substitute the collider i have for the ladders and ground with a boxcast (i think it’s called like this) to recognize top ladder colliders and ground
I think this could be a good strategy, what do you think?
That’s exactly what I’m doing.
Wow !
Ok, I kinda got this but is way too convoluted, so I suggest you try to manage this with animations. There are way too many bugs to handled them all in code.
Ok, I got an idea, but it’s gonna take me a little while, but I think I finally got rid of every single bug.
Ok thank you Yee, i’m still buzzled of how complicate is to get a perfect ladder ._.
This is gonna take a while, so keep trying.
I managed to do this without using a collider for the top of the ladder, I instead used an edge collider childed to the character, it has to be a little wider than the character for it to work correctly.
Here's the script
using UnityEngine;
public class Move : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] float speed = 4f;
[SerializeField] float climbSpeed = 2f;
[SerializeField] float jumpForce = 450f;
[SerializeField] LayerMask groundLayer = 0;
[SerializeField] LayerMask ladderLayer = 0;
[SerializeField] EdgeCollider2D ladderChecker = null;
bool isClimbing;
bool touchingLadder;
bool touchingGround;
bool onLadderTop;
float hAxis;
float vAxis;
Collider2D col;
Rigidbody2D rg2D;
private void Awake()
rg2D = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
col = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
void Update()
private void FixedUpdate()
rg2D.velocity = GetInputVelocity();
private void ReadMoveInput()
hAxis = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
vAxis = onLadderTop && Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") > 0 ? 0 : Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") ;
private void ReadJumpInput()
if ((touchingLadder || touchingGround) && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
rg2D.velocity =;
rg2D.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce);
private void CheckCollisions()
touchingGround = col.IsTouchingLayers(groundLayer);
touchingLadder = col.IsTouchingLayers(ladderLayer);
onLadderTop = touchingLadder && !Physics2D.Linecast(ladderChecker.bounds.min, ladderChecker.bounds.max, ladderLayer);
private void CheckIfClimbing()
if ((!Mathf.Approximately(vAxis, 0) && touchingLadder) || onLadderTop) { SetClimbing(true); }
else if (!touchingLadder) { SetClimbing(false); }
private void SetClimbing(bool isClimbing)
this.isClimbing = isClimbing;
rg2D.gravityScale = isClimbing ? 0 : 1;
private Vector2 GetInputVelocity()
Vector2 newVelocity = Vector2.right * hAxis * speed;
newVelocity.y = isClimbing ? vAxis * climbSpeed : rg2D.velocity.y;
return newVelocity;
Great, i’ll look onto your code right now!
do you think i could use the edge collider also for other purposes? maybe making it a substitute for one of my existing colliders
it seems a little overkill to me to use 4 collider on a single character
this is my character right now
(little off-topic) (this is also an old pic)
i also i noticed zooming that i needed to put the collider a little bit up on the y-axis because there is some sort of 1 pixel ghost colliding, i read that this is a physics unity thing that you can modify but it’s advised to not to)
it detect the collisions with 1 pixel of distance
before checking your code i was trying to substitute the box collider which i use to check the ground to find if the player is on ground or on a ladder with an Edge collider, but it doesn’t work
isTouchingLayer doesn’t work with Edgecolliders?
it doesn’t seem to work even as a Physic collider , what am i missing(?)
i tested this also with a simple square and circle, the edge collider doesn’t do any collision to me .-.
maybe it is useful only for the Linecast thing and this sort of stuff (?) like am i only loosing my time? ahaahhah
ok i managed to get the Edge collider work by using the linecast, but as i said before now i have 4 colliders on my player, 2 to shape it’s physics collision in a optimal manner, and 2 for checking respectively the ground and the ladder(edgecollider) , i am trying to think a way to fully substitute the box collider for the jump check with the edge collider
what if i use a boxcast on the edge collider for the ground, and a linecast when near a ladder(?) don’t know if i am saying crazy things or not, my knowledge on raycasts are like 3%
i have an idea!
what if i delete the boxcollider i used for the ground check and the edge collider and i use the second box collider which was only used as an escamotage for the edges, and i cast a box from it when on ground for the jump check and a line which goes like from the center of the collider to up when on a ladder?
if this works i could do everything i need with only 2 colliders , with the box colliders used both for physics collisions and for the events