Importing the expanded synty package

Previously we imported just a partial package for the environment prefabs (House, hut, trees, and the crate). Those are also contained in the (more) complete package, but not recognized as already being there, so “import all” overwrote them.

Partially (on my system) that was due to different line endings, but there were some changes that would have gotten lost had I not taken care to check it. In particular I set the buildings and trees to be static objects in their prefabs (where settings like that should be), and also had the navmesh obstacle component added on the crate.

Sorting this out was somewhat tedious, I hope there won’t be an even more expanded “Synty Polygon Student” package to import and further imports don’t overlap…

A better (more time consuming, but “should” save trouble later) strategy is to adopt a personal policy of “do not touch the third party assets” (i.e. don’t modify them). For prefabs, you can create a prefab variant based on it, then modify the prefab variant.

If you upgrade and the changes aren’t TOO extensive, then it should update the original prefabs and the variants will keep your personal changes. You might have to tweak a few things if the upgrade breaks some things you changed.

I’ve learned this the hard way myself many times…

(…i.e. even though I know better, I keep modifying third party assets, then finding I need to upgrade the original pack…I just did that a couple weeks ago with the Easy Character Movement 2 package from the asset store. When I needed to move the character to another game project, I had to find the scripts I modified and eventually said, heck with it, I’ll start over and do it right this time, using composition and inheritance rather than modify the original scripts).

That’s what I’m aiming for when I track changes that occur on them in my git commits :smiley:
Sometimes it’s not so trivial if the engine makes changes under the hood, though…

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