Imported Custom Package different from instructors Camera won't follow player

The package linked in Resources differed from the instructors. I noticed 2 differences, one small and one big.

  1. Small: Sandbox scene is in the scenes folder and not under Environment folder as shown in video.
  2. Big: Main Camera won’t follow Player. The reason for this is that the Main Camera in the Sandbox scene does not have the CinemachineBrain Component added. Simply add that component onto the Main Camera and you should be good to go. Be sure that Live Camera is pointing at the FreeLookCamera (mine auto-populated).
    This took me a few minutes to figure out so I post this in hope that this helps anyone that may come after looking for a solution.


In which course and lecture are you?

3rd Person Combat & Traversal.

@garypettie Some issues with the package still here and also the tags are still not being popped up.
I’ve noticed they are not created as i have had to make some myself

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