Impact glow Video?

This is very late for me to ask this lol, but in the preview of the course it is shown when hitting or getting hit there is a glow on the characters, but i do not see a video on making that happen. I’m I missing a video or something?

You know, I don’t think we did have a video on that. When we make a new course, the instructor first builds a working prototype of what we’re shooting for. We do this because this lets us streamline the process once we have a model working the way we want it. Sometimes things get into the initial prototype that don’t eventually make the course, and this may be what happened here. It’s a bit like a 1st draft vs the final draft of a report. (I didn’t get involved until the recording stage, on the team reviewing each lecture of the course to make sure that everything made sense).

It’s not terribly difficult to get that glow effect. I’ll look closer at it over this weekend and see if I can put a quick tutorial together on putting the light into the game.

Ok, I was just wondering and forgot to say something sooner when I noticed it. Thanks for checking.

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