I'm not understanding anything

I took the 2d Beginner course and I loved it. I felt like I understood everything and jumping out of that course, I felt really confident in building games on my own. Jumping into this course, I do not have the same feeling. I’m writing this right here because this is the second time that I had to stop and fix something I did wrong. Through the 2d beginner course, I never felt lost. Now, there are so many things that aren’t being explained well. At times, I feel there are basic concepts that are being explained too in-depth while other more complex subjects aren’t given any time.

I spent the past 2 hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my code. Which, I think is actually helping me understand the subject better because I have to go back and look and understand the code. But, I mean that’s bad right? I shouldn’t just be copying down code without understanding what it’s doing. But that’s what I find myself doing throughout this course. Not understanding why we’re making code, why we’re jumping to this script or that script. What’s being called where and why? No clue. I’m just copying and trying to pay attention to what the instructor is saying but he moves on so quickly, I don’t have time.

I thought Rick’s approach was a lot better. To be honest during that course, at times, I felt like things were being dragged a bit BUT I would 100% prefer that than not understanding a thing. This course is what 11 hours? I think easily it could be double that just explain the code more in-depth. Having visual aids for what code is talking to what. Redoing the first section would help a lot. I finished the first section and I thought “Ok, I’m not 100% understanding everything but I think I’ll get a better grasp during the section portion”.

I’m disappointed, I would really be interested in seeing this course reworked to explain more of what the code is doing and why we’re using Server in certain parts and Client in others. I know he explains it, in the course but he explains it with such brevity you aren’t able to absorb it. He talks about Callbacks like Rick talks about int in the last section of the 2d course. I’m not familiar with multiplayer but this course makes it seem like I should have already made a multiplayer game in the past.

This was kind of a rant but I just wanted to give my input and explain my frustrations with this course so hopefully, in the future, it can be reworked.

BTW, the problem I was having was because I forgot to change “ServerOnBaseSpawned” to “ServerOnBaseDespawned” because I was trying to keep up with the instructor.


Hi there,
Sorry about your frustration, and thank you for your feedback. As you mentioned this course does have a different teaching style than the 2D Unity course. As well, it is an intermediate course, and the material is a little more complicated. I try to encourage students to go back to the first section and review the multiplayer jargon when they are lost. As well, taking at look at Unity and Mirror’s documentation can help a lot too. It’s an important skill and good practice to go look at documentation to help understand your code.

As for your problem with ServerOnBaseDespawned issue, I and dozen’s of other students have made the mistake on this one. Copy and pasting can do that :laughing:

I know how you feel. I also came from the 2D course and am finding this to be hard to follow. I acknowledge it as an “intermediate” course but the content is a bit overwhelming. Some lectures I feel Rick would have split in to four. I have to constantly pause the lecture to understand what I am doing.

The course also feels 30% networking 50% RTS and 20% new concepts (events, 3D, pathing etc). I think something like a card game built in just Unity’s UI would allow the course to focus more on the networking side and not spending twenty minutes messing with Quaternions to aim a bullet downwards.

Still, I am actually enjoying the course so far. There’s a lot of diverse material and I quite like picking up a few new tricks along the way. Seeing a practical application of Mirror maybe more beneficial in the long run anyway.

Yeah, I started taking the RPG course which is intermediate also. I have to say. This mirror course is definitely not up to the standard of the other course I’m taking. It’s still dives into more complex topics but I’m still able to follow with some effort. So far in the course, I feel like I understand everything and never felt lost like I did in this course. I stand by what I said in the post. This course is not good. I didn’t learn much and I definitely think it need to be remade to actually explain what’s being shown.


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