I want to show tilemap gridlines during actual gameplay

Based on the tilevania game in the Unity 2D course, I am trying to add my own extensions. I wondered if there is any way to show the gridlines of a tilemap in actual gameplay. I am making features to allow the player to add platforms during play, and would like to show the gridlines (ideally as dotted lines) to the player.
Is that possible? Thanks for any advice in advance.

Hi Dave,

I don’t see any reason why it should not be possible to display a grid. Each tile is 1 WU wide and high. You could write a shader which renders a grid according to your needs.

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server.

See also:

Thanks. I didn’t understand your answer, and am having trouble understanding how to pose a question on discord, but I will try to work it out. Thank you.

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