I used FVector::Dist instead of .Size()

I decided to use vector math to find the distance to the target and calculate whether or not the actor has reached the destination.

I also in the if statement show a NearZero() because when working with floats its nearly impossible to get an exact 0.

I also decided to have some other bool variables to help navigate the switching and the movement types. btw MyVector in this instance is the Location of the actor.

void AMovingPlatform::BeginPlay()

	//vital for getting actor + movement to share the same information
	if (HasAuthority()) {

	MyVector = GetActorLocation();
	StartLoc = GetTransform().TransformPosition(StartLocation);
	EndLoc = GetTransform().TransformPosition(TargetLocation);
	GlobalTargetLocation = EndLoc;
	bIsReturning = false;

void AMovingPlatform::Tick(float DeltaTime)
	if (HasAuthority()) {
		if (bIsMoveToLocation) 
			FVector Direction = (GlobalTargetLocation - MyVector).GetSafeNormal();
			MyVector += Speed * DeltaTime * Direction;
			ShouldChangeDirection(MyVector, GlobalTargetLocation);
		else {
			MyVector += PlatformVelocity * DeltaTime;

void AMovingPlatform::ShouldChangeDirection(FVector Start, FVector End)
	float DistanceToTarget = FVector::Dist(Start, End);
	//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Distance to target: %f"), DistanceToTarget);
	if (DistanceToTarget <= 0.5) {
		if (bIsReturning) {
			GlobalTargetLocation = StartLoc;
		else {
			GlobalTargetLocation = EndLoc;
		bIsReturning = !bIsReturning;
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