I suck at painting and I'd like artistic advice

Hello, everyone!

I’m doing the blender course in which we model an orc, and while I think I did quite well on the sculpting part, when it came down to painting I’m not really satisfied.

I’d love some artistic advice on what I did wrong and what I could have done better.

I know the fists and toes went really bad, but at that point I had given up on painting and started to move on to animation. (Following the advice on not dwelling too long on something that’s discouraging me)

What I tried to do was paint with a less bright color, and less saturated, but I believe I cranked up the saturation at some point. My idea was to go in an art style similar to Fable’s, which is highly styilized and somewhat cartoonized, even, but uses a more “sober” color palette.

I used the green as the base color and painted with darker green dots in some places. For shadows I used a darker color a little more towards yellow, to add a little bit of character. For roughness, I used a very rough base, then added some rougher parts with a clouds texture mask, and some smoother parts as well. I tried to add emission to the eyes, but it didn’t work.

Somewhere it went sour and the result isn’t good. I’d love advice on what I could improve and some videos, articles and stuff to get me started.

Oh, there was a problem with baking as well, some parts of the normal map and cavity map went wild (I’ve poured quite a few hours in baking, but some fine tuning was necessary that I didn’t know how to do, and my computer was begging for mercy). I corrected it manually by picking adjacent colors and painting over with my pen tablet on the respective maps.


It looks good to me… guess it depends on the style you wanted? :man_shrugging:

When hitting a metaphorical brick wall with some task or issue, it often helps to take a break from that task for more than a day so you can re-visit it with fresh eyes. Often that is enough to make a breakthrough.


Did you finish the course?

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Yes! Just finished the course. It was an awesome course.


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