Learned a ton of material in this course, especially about tilemaps and the new input system. I was really inspired to try my hand at creating a platformer prototype that felt really fun to play.
You can play the game here. If you do, please don’t hold back and let me know what you think!
In addition to the material covered in the course, I wanted to also add the following features:
- Start / GameOver / Win Screens
- Advanced player movement (early jump press, coyote time, & non-floaty jump)
- Player UI - healthbar, lives, coins, etc.
- Attacks - bow & arrow weapon, and stomping enemies from above (like Mario)
- Dynamic music scoring based on map “zones” - adding more and more tracks play in sync despite being queued up at different times (e.g. strings, bass, drums etc.)
- Checkpoints
One of the things I’m most happy about is the Bat enemy prefab. It starts following the player once the player is in range, and starts flying in wide arcs if the line of sight to the player is broken to simulate bat-like behavior (used a raycast to check for any collisions with the ground layer).
I’m having a blast learning Unity and am really excited to dive in more.