I cannot create the Pawn C++ class

I completed video tutorial 135 on Pawn Class Creation. Watched closely and followed the instructions precisely but I keep getting this error:

I need help. I cannot figure out what I have done wrong.

[Note: I originally posted this cry for help, by mistake, in the Blender forum]

It’s just an idea but I remember that Windows has a file path max length limit and yours looks unnecessary long. Like I said, it’s just an idea but maybe you can move the project under a much shorter path like C:/Projects.

Thanks for that tip. I shortened the path. Made it roughly the same length as the instructors. Sadly, I continue to get the same error message.

There was somebody on the forum with a similar issue. Can you check if this file even exists?

Further details can be found here:

That solved it. The folder \Template was missing presumably wiped out when I copied over the minimal UI thing.

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